7 Most Dreaded Prison In The World

7 Most Dreaded Prison In The World

Prison was built to punish the criminals than they are in the law of the inmates in prison are also in the Arm some ability that they once out of prison do not commit crimes again and can berwira businesses and independent and follows 7 penjaara may be a figure of fear Sagat in the napai for mejalani punishment in penara sebap to jail following 7 cruelly treated napinya danberutal you want to know what prison wrote that refer 7 Most Dreaded Prison In The World follows.

1.Carandiru Prison: (Brazil)
Penjara Carandiru, Brasil, paling brutal di dunia
The prison world could make a scene Sebat serious unrest involving gang inside the prison in 1992, to stop the riots which occurred between inmates Brazilian police forces reduce berpluru complete with sharp weapons of mass pembataiyan consequently ensued in this prison Hundreds of victims tumbling, 103 (some sources mention 111 inmates).
2. Bang Kwang Prison (Thailand)
Penjara Bang Kwang, Thailand
Prison is better known as the Bangkok Hilton ". This prison is arguably no longer feasible, in addition to overcrowded, understaffed warden also. The napinya chained. Reportedly many inmates went insane due to stress through the first month in detention.
Standard of care in prison is very minimal call it a sick inmate health care in the prison will allow curled up in pain until death
3. ADX Florence Supermax Prison: (Colorado)
adx supermax, florence, colorado
In the building of this prison as a result of the attack the guards by inmates at existing prisons across America, to secure the warden of the prison inmates attack using Sagat sitem the tight security of the inmates in this prison will feel the pressure of the metal and the depression setres sebapa meraka napai not be allowed out of the detention room and should menghabisakan time in the cell.
Being narapida in ADX is a nightmare for them was unforgettable. In sasna they accept the conditions of the ugliest ugliest reply. During 13 years of operation, two people reportedly killed prisoners at ADX Florence. One was Lawrence Klaker. Some sources mention he was shot, there are also sources say tp suicide.
4. Alcatraz Island Prison: (San Francisco, CA)
Prison is better known as "The Rock", or "Devil's Island" was built in the 1920's all the discomfort is in prison it lies in the center of the island makes the napai lost contact between families not only that the prisoners also had to get ruthless mental pressure the guards and the warden makes the rules manusiawai sunguh not call it meraka banned among inmates and chatting with each other if caught Jihadists would in many napai ahajar crazy in prison due to the mental stress of all human rights has been at langar in penajara and in 1963 the prison was in tutip forever.
5.San Quentin Prison: (San Quentin, California)
In 1930'a's management of prison is full of corruption to the one appearing in the new prison rketur bring change to this prison but seblum new director of the prison changed burukyang treatment received by the inhuman sunguh napai Dibotaki their heads and forced to wear a uniform that are numbered, they eat with ember2 container. Inhabit the narrow cell without any light. In this prison life is worthless. Often terjadi.Rasio racial riots between prison guards and inmates are not comparable, that is why a lot of things happen out of control.
6. Rikers Island Prison: (Rikers Island, New York)
Brutal torture prisoners make the prison became famous in 2007, prisoner Charles Afflic supererogatory torture of prison guards had to undergo brain surgery. A total of 6 inmates committed suicide in his cell Because the prison atmosphere could not bear with that press, in 2003.
7. La Sante Prison: (Paris, France)
Same with other cruel prison prison life in prison does not have the slightest value, berutal abuse and prison guards against napai make the napai be tortured or oppressed and ahkurnya make the napai be crazy and stressful. It is ironic with the meaning of the word 'La Sante' which means health (health) in English. Because in reality there really life morbidly. Slavery among guards to inmates, inmate to inmate, has become commonplace. Cases of rape among inmates is very high and occur every day. No wonder if many inmates can not bear eventually commit suicide, or become insane. Throughout 2002 reportedly occurred 122 inmate suicides. Followed by 73 inmates in mid-2003.

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