According to British reports, along with the development of technology and social progress, the people have had a deeper knowledge of the nature of the large number of happenings. But for some other matter until now, scientists still have not been able to provide answers and explanations. The following 7 Tough Questions For scientists, namely:
1. Do Dogs Have a Sense of Humor?
Scientists researching animal intelligence, they increasingly recognize such a view: animal behavior rather than react instinctively, but a subconscious reaction, the substance of their ideas make it has the ability to feel love, anger, sadness and joy even a sense of humor through the sensor organ. For example, researchers have found that elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror (a lot of kids who may not be able to do it this way) orang-utan (or possibly some other birds) can learn a number of languages as well as the beginning of the level to make a complicated equipment. It is conceivable, if the birds can make a hook (hooks) with electrical wire, hook to use food from cans, then would not it be cruel if you use them as torture experiments?
2. How the Origin of Life?
If you want to make a biologist, you are reasonably ask how the origin of life.Since 150 years ago, Darwin continued to think and he thinks that all life on earth originated from "prebiotic soup". But until now, we are still thinking about the origins of life. We do not know the range of knowledge related to the origin of life, such as how first, where and when life begins, and what is life from life until death takes place only once or repeatedly, and so on. Some scientists suspect that life originated in the basement, or around the lips volcano. Being other scientists suspect, that a single microbe is the ancestor of all living creatures on earth. At approximately 3 billion years ago, when Mars was warm and humid, while the earth is only a cold desert, this single microbes fly to earth along with the crushed rock explosion in the planet Mars. According to this view, means that we are all human beings from the planet Mars. But until now, all of these allegations have never been proven. So it can not convince anyone. The origin of life, is likely the most mysterious mystery in the universe.
3. Is Inner Reaction Just Bullshit?
Most scientists say do not believe the abnormal phenomena, because these phenomena violate the principle of normal and can not be explained through experiments. But if we can say that the crystal therapy (using energy crystals that "magnetic field organism" human body back in shape "balanced" and the inner reaction is crap?) "Abnormal phenomenon" includes the power of Gamma (δ), "spiritual", ravings of a new era (new century), horoscopes, cartomancy / tarot, scientists have reason assume that the abnormal phenomenon is a pseudo science. But scientists on the contrary, they are careful and rational in science, often publish their latest research findings in the leading journal Science. "But when the crystal therapy and horoscope techniques believed to be only as an entertainment and not a science, then what about the inner reaction, acupuncture therapy and techniques of hypnosis? This remains to be investigated scientifically. And of course, the mental reactions may also be proved as a bird news, who knows? no matter what the outcome, should try to find the real facts.
4. What Time is It?
If you want to make a physicist, asked him: "What is time?" Cause, we will not know the answer. There is a rumor that says, time is a natural magical weapon that blocks any objects perform activities simultaneously. Time to redefine our lives, because we rely on time to measure life. But in terms of what time it is, we just like the ancients, did not know anything. And of course, this does not mean we do not know what has been done time. Physicists like Einstain, which in terms of the characteristics of the time had in view. So we can give a signal at a time, and then enter the time into the equation is not the same, and thus we can examine a large number of phenomena and draw conclusions. However, it can not tell us exactly what that time. Is it a "river" that flows from the past to the future? if yes, then the river is it? What drove the move and based on what the speed of the river's flow? If time is a river, whether it can flow upward into the river? and if we could completely stop the flow of the river flowing? This allows fiction novelist said. What amazes us is, physicists also think like this. But before we invent a time machine, we need to know very well against a difficult time at the touch and easy to vanish in this fleeting.Until the last day, we will uncover the mysteries of this mysterious. But if so, it certainly would appear even more mysteries. Perhaps the only consolation is decent, if someday we can reveal all mysteries, and if it actually solved, then everything will be bland.
5. Why Obesity From Day To Day on the Rise?
At 100 years ago, in the world there is hardly a single case of obesity, for 100 years, obesity has become a crisis without parallel in the history of human disease. If calculated according to the current situation, we will increasingly overweight. Because obesity is very clear: eating too much, lack of exercise.But this condition is not that simple. Rarely the first to know, in a large number of countries "obesity" in the west, such as the United States, heat dissipated the heat far less than those who spent the past 50 years. Compared with those in 1950 ago, we rarely walk, the place is the large number of motor vehicles.Obesity began to flourish in 1980, compared to when it sports a very less done.A large number of scientists believe, that behind the proliferation of obesity definitely a mystery buried deep. Some scientists have said that obesity may be caused by a virus, or can be explained by the science of genetics.
6. Younger Man Can Do?
What we can stay young? may be, maybe not. Preventing aging is one thing that most scientists do not like to talk about, because it can cause a series of problems, such as moral and logic or the things that a real headache. Firstly, in fact we do not know what exactly it is aging. In our view, when we are old, or the physical body itself will also go dark. But this is not so. The first 20 years of the age of our lives, our physical from day to day advice and strong, our body functions more days we are more effective, more powerful disease-fighting capabilities. However, why in the following days (increasing age), it all becomes very opposite? According to the evolutionary theory of aging, why the function of our body begin to age is estimated at 30-50 years old people will die from cold, hunger and death in the wild tiger's mouth and so on. But if we can not live so long, we do not need evolution, to face the pain when he was older.But this can not explain, and when we grow old, what changes have changed the "bell" of genes, so that makes our skin becomes dry, the hair becomes white, bones become brittle. Only after we know exactly what caused this change enables new take measures against aging. However, we will face a moral issue: are we willing to live in a world that will not be the old human forever? or in other words, are we really willing to live in a world like that if only a small number of elite society are fortunate new treatment could enjoy this ageless?
7. A minute Ago I Did Same With Me Now?
"Am I still the same as one minute ago?" This sounds like a very strange question! But this is one of the most puzzling questions in the whole world of science and philosophy. That is a matter of identity recognition. On the surface, the answer is clear: "to be sure, I was the same at the last minute. But try to think again for a moment. "10 minutes ago, all the things that are done every cell in your brain is totally different from what you now do brain cells.Every few years later, your body almost completely changed once. Is Cutty Sark can be re-created with new wood and a variety of new components that will be exactly the same whether the Cutty Sark sailing in the sea in the past 150 years? To this, the answer purification theory is: "No". By doing so, you are no longer your child's future. This question shows, that our consideration of the individual is always in contradiction with the real atmosphere is going. And how do we recognize the identity of the same person, whether based on DNA or other something more nebulous?
1. Do Dogs Have a Sense of Humor?
Scientists researching animal intelligence, they increasingly recognize such a view: animal behavior rather than react instinctively, but a subconscious reaction, the substance of their ideas make it has the ability to feel love, anger, sadness and joy even a sense of humor through the sensor organ. For example, researchers have found that elephants can recognize themselves in a mirror (a lot of kids who may not be able to do it this way) orang-utan (or possibly some other birds) can learn a number of languages as well as the beginning of the level to make a complicated equipment. It is conceivable, if the birds can make a hook (hooks) with electrical wire, hook to use food from cans, then would not it be cruel if you use them as torture experiments?
2. How the Origin of Life?
If you want to make a biologist, you are reasonably ask how the origin of life.Since 150 years ago, Darwin continued to think and he thinks that all life on earth originated from "prebiotic soup". But until now, we are still thinking about the origins of life. We do not know the range of knowledge related to the origin of life, such as how first, where and when life begins, and what is life from life until death takes place only once or repeatedly, and so on. Some scientists suspect that life originated in the basement, or around the lips volcano. Being other scientists suspect, that a single microbe is the ancestor of all living creatures on earth. At approximately 3 billion years ago, when Mars was warm and humid, while the earth is only a cold desert, this single microbes fly to earth along with the crushed rock explosion in the planet Mars. According to this view, means that we are all human beings from the planet Mars. But until now, all of these allegations have never been proven. So it can not convince anyone. The origin of life, is likely the most mysterious mystery in the universe.
3. Is Inner Reaction Just Bullshit?
Most scientists say do not believe the abnormal phenomena, because these phenomena violate the principle of normal and can not be explained through experiments. But if we can say that the crystal therapy (using energy crystals that "magnetic field organism" human body back in shape "balanced" and the inner reaction is crap?) "Abnormal phenomenon" includes the power of Gamma (δ), "spiritual", ravings of a new era (new century), horoscopes, cartomancy / tarot, scientists have reason assume that the abnormal phenomenon is a pseudo science. But scientists on the contrary, they are careful and rational in science, often publish their latest research findings in the leading journal Science. "But when the crystal therapy and horoscope techniques believed to be only as an entertainment and not a science, then what about the inner reaction, acupuncture therapy and techniques of hypnosis? This remains to be investigated scientifically. And of course, the mental reactions may also be proved as a bird news, who knows? no matter what the outcome, should try to find the real facts.
4. What Time is It?
If you want to make a physicist, asked him: "What is time?" Cause, we will not know the answer. There is a rumor that says, time is a natural magical weapon that blocks any objects perform activities simultaneously. Time to redefine our lives, because we rely on time to measure life. But in terms of what time it is, we just like the ancients, did not know anything. And of course, this does not mean we do not know what has been done time. Physicists like Einstain, which in terms of the characteristics of the time had in view. So we can give a signal at a time, and then enter the time into the equation is not the same, and thus we can examine a large number of phenomena and draw conclusions. However, it can not tell us exactly what that time. Is it a "river" that flows from the past to the future? if yes, then the river is it? What drove the move and based on what the speed of the river's flow? If time is a river, whether it can flow upward into the river? and if we could completely stop the flow of the river flowing? This allows fiction novelist said. What amazes us is, physicists also think like this. But before we invent a time machine, we need to know very well against a difficult time at the touch and easy to vanish in this fleeting.Until the last day, we will uncover the mysteries of this mysterious. But if so, it certainly would appear even more mysteries. Perhaps the only consolation is decent, if someday we can reveal all mysteries, and if it actually solved, then everything will be bland.
5. Why Obesity From Day To Day on the Rise?
At 100 years ago, in the world there is hardly a single case of obesity, for 100 years, obesity has become a crisis without parallel in the history of human disease. If calculated according to the current situation, we will increasingly overweight. Because obesity is very clear: eating too much, lack of exercise.But this condition is not that simple. Rarely the first to know, in a large number of countries "obesity" in the west, such as the United States, heat dissipated the heat far less than those who spent the past 50 years. Compared with those in 1950 ago, we rarely walk, the place is the large number of motor vehicles.Obesity began to flourish in 1980, compared to when it sports a very less done.A large number of scientists believe, that behind the proliferation of obesity definitely a mystery buried deep. Some scientists have said that obesity may be caused by a virus, or can be explained by the science of genetics.
6. Younger Man Can Do?
What we can stay young? may be, maybe not. Preventing aging is one thing that most scientists do not like to talk about, because it can cause a series of problems, such as moral and logic or the things that a real headache. Firstly, in fact we do not know what exactly it is aging. In our view, when we are old, or the physical body itself will also go dark. But this is not so. The first 20 years of the age of our lives, our physical from day to day advice and strong, our body functions more days we are more effective, more powerful disease-fighting capabilities. However, why in the following days (increasing age), it all becomes very opposite? According to the evolutionary theory of aging, why the function of our body begin to age is estimated at 30-50 years old people will die from cold, hunger and death in the wild tiger's mouth and so on. But if we can not live so long, we do not need evolution, to face the pain when he was older.But this can not explain, and when we grow old, what changes have changed the "bell" of genes, so that makes our skin becomes dry, the hair becomes white, bones become brittle. Only after we know exactly what caused this change enables new take measures against aging. However, we will face a moral issue: are we willing to live in a world that will not be the old human forever? or in other words, are we really willing to live in a world like that if only a small number of elite society are fortunate new treatment could enjoy this ageless?
7. A minute Ago I Did Same With Me Now?
"Am I still the same as one minute ago?" This sounds like a very strange question! But this is one of the most puzzling questions in the whole world of science and philosophy. That is a matter of identity recognition. On the surface, the answer is clear: "to be sure, I was the same at the last minute. But try to think again for a moment. "10 minutes ago, all the things that are done every cell in your brain is totally different from what you now do brain cells.Every few years later, your body almost completely changed once. Is Cutty Sark can be re-created with new wood and a variety of new components that will be exactly the same whether the Cutty Sark sailing in the sea in the past 150 years? To this, the answer purification theory is: "No". By doing so, you are no longer your child's future. This question shows, that our consideration of the individual is always in contradiction with the real atmosphere is going. And how do we recognize the identity of the same person, whether based on DNA or other something more nebulous?
Posted by 01:23 and have
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