Traveling to foreign places, especially forests or mountains, requires the traveler to carry a compass. Unfortunately, the existence of an object that is often forgotten, confused determine the direction if lost can haunt you. To determine the direction of the wind, a compass is very necessary. But what if you forget to take it when you are in the middle of the woods?
To be able to return to its original destination, follow these 7 tips on how to determine direction without using a compass. This is the easy way without using a compass to determine direction:
1. Needle / razor in surface water

There is the most common way used to determine the direction of a person, which makes a simple compass. It's easy, only with a needle or razor blade polished to a dry surface, and inserted into the cork. Combined razor and cork then placed on the surface of the water, so it looks floats. Tip of a razor blade or needle on a simple compass is always pointing to the north or south.
2. Seeing the grave Islam and Christianity

If you are in a foreign country and get lost in there. You can determine the direction by looking at the grave. Muslim and Christian graves always shows north-south direction. Part headstone or head that is always facing west. Make this as a basic benchmark. Eits, but remember, this is only true in Indonesia alone.
3. Masjid / Mosque

If you do not find the grave, you can find a place of worship, such as mosques. You can use the direction of Qibla or direction of prayer Muslims. In Indonesia, the mosque is always facing to the west, because the temple is used as the Qibla of Muslims were in western Indonesia. Take advantage of this as a basic benchmark to determine the next direction.
4. See the time and position of the sun

When lost in a closed place like a forest, there are times when it is hard to determine direction without a compass. But do not panic, try to calm down and look at the clock, then look toward the sun. Writing a rounded 12 hours following the direction of the movement of the sun rising in the east and sets in the west. So, after looking at the clock, immediately facing the sun. Make the position of the sun rising in the west as a basic benchmark. You can determine the next direction using a watch.
5. Shadow objects

If you get lost in the day, look in the direction of the shadow object. Just as determine the direction of the clock, place objects upright in the ground. In the afternoon towards evening, the shadow object generally to the west. Conversely, if lost midmorning, shadow objects generally leaning towards the east.
6. Utilizing tree

Well, for those of you who get lost in the wooded area, try to find a large-trunked trees. Notice each side of the tree trunk. Side of the large trunked trees are exposed to sunlight and mossy not show the west / east. If you get lost at night, try to touch the side of this large-trunked trees, and feel the temperature. Find the tree that feels the most warm. This shows the west side.
7. Orion star cluster shows the west

The most frightening thing is getting lost in unfamiliar areas at night. When the lighting was minimal, plus the lack of a compass, can make anyone panic. But try to take advantage of the beauty of nature through the stars in the sky. Look for orion constellation. This constellation is a blend of three bright stars. Taken together, these three form a tail like a scorpion and always pointing to the west.
Posted by 11:30 and have
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