The second head will get the rest of the milk, do not even have food because the milk flowing down the neck of sambungna esophagus.

2. Stubbins Ffirth (Yellow Fever Vomit-Drinking Doctor)

Initially infected blood he poured into an open wound and then try to drink the blood of the infected.
He did not fall ill, but it is not because yellow fever is not contagious because it is later found that the transmission must be through direct injection into the bloodstream, usually through a bite or a mosquito.
3. Josef Mengele (Angel of Death)

At Auschwitz, Mengele did a number of studies in twins. After the experiment is completed, the twins usually murdered and their bodies dissected.
He oversaw an operation in which two Gypsy children sewn together to create conjoined twins, the hands of the children became very infected where the veins they have been damaged. Mengele was fanatical with the blood of twins, especially identical twins. He reportedly took their blood to death.
Auschwitz prisoner Alex Dekel said:
"I could never accept the fact that Mengele himself believed he was doing serious work, not from the way he was less careful about it. He just runs his rule. Mengele ran a butcher shop and perform major surgery without anesthetic. "
"Once upon a time, I witnessed a stomach operation, Mengele was removing pieces from the stomach, but without any anesthetic. At other times, part of the liver removed, again, without anesthesia. It was horrible. Mengele was a doctor who became mad because he was given the power. "
"No one ever asked him why did this one die? Why is that one does not die? The patients did not count. He admitted to what he did in the name of science, but it is part of the madness."
4. Johann Conrad Dippel (original Frankenstein)

Having studied theology, philosophy and alchemy, he created an animal oil made of bones, blood and various other animal products, known as Dippel's Oil which is expected to be the equivalent of the alchemist's dream of the "elixir of life".
It is said that some of his part in the various parts of the body including boil in large vats to make some sort of crazy concoctions.
Dippel is known as the inventor of synthetic chemicals called Prussian Blue. He claimed to have created a fluid eternal life. Reportedly, the experiment was inspired by the character yangs match the name of the castle where he was born, Franskenstein.
5. Giovanni Aldini (Experimental Electric On Bodies)

In front of many people, he conducted experiments on prisoners who were hanged, George Forster. He applied conductor electrically conductive rod in the rectum, until the prisoner began punching the air, and his legs began to kick and jerk.
Rod be applicable on the corpse's face makes a fist and shaking. His left eye open. Some people present and fear the corpse back to life, and if it is true then he should be back executable.
One of the audience was so scared, and shortly after leaving the area, he reportedly died.
6. Sergei Bruyukhonenko (The Dog Decapitator)

By using this primitive machine, Bryukhonenko keep a dog's head alive. In 1928, he demonstrated one of the head in front of an audience.
To prove it was real, he was banging a hammer on the table. Head was snapped. When the dog's eyes by the light, his eyes flashing.
And when fed a piece of cheese, the rest is soon out of the esophagus, which makes a lot of the audience mesmerized, but also disgusted and unhappy.
7. Andrew Ure (Butcher Scotland)

The first experiment involved an incision in the neck. Part of the vertebra is removed. An incision is then made in the left hip. Then the pieces are made in the heel.
Two rods are connected to the battery is placed in the neck and hips, which causes uncontrollable seizures.
The second rod is then placed in the heel, where the left leg kicked with such force, that it almost made collapse assistant. The second experiment made the diaphragm of Forster chest up and down, as if he was breathing again.
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