You know, Bogor turns out to have 4 cool museum. In addition to the Zoological Museum in Bogor Botanical Garden, there is a museum about the people's struggle against the Dutch colonialists Bogor and museum with a collection of hundreds of plants. Cool!Hats parks or botanical gardens, may be the most famous place in Bogor. But who would have thought, it also has 4 Bogor cool museum.The museums are located in the city of Bogor and has a unique collection of each. detikTravel opportunity to come to these museums, on Sunday (06/01/2013). 4 This is the coolest museum in Bogor that you must know:
1. Museum of Zoology
Located in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, Museum of Zoology is a traveler favorite animals or animal lovers. This museum houses tens of thousands of species of fauna. Recorded about 650 mammal species, 1,100 bird species are various regions in Indonesia, 600 species of reptiles and fish, 10,000 species of insects, 700 species of invertebrates and 2,300 species of mollusks number is here, complete! "Now the Bogor Botanical Gardens admission for Rp 9,500 a season ticket to get into the Museum of Zoology," said the staff of the Maintenance Section Collection, Asep.The animals were in a large glass room and there is also a display on the wall. Fun again, all the animals have their own room, depending on the species. You will be amazed at the Indonesian native fauna there, such as proboscis monkeys, orang-utan, rhinoceros, cassowary, up dahlan tiger. Really cool! You also can view the description of the fauna in penjelasnya boards. Fun again, you should take pictures as much with the background fauna there.
2. Museum Herbarium
"Museum Herbarium is located in the Bogor Botanical Gardens as well, close to Mexico," said Asep said. Unlike the Museum of Zoology, Museum Herbarium is a place to store a collection of hundreds of plants at home and abroad. This place is also used as a place of research scientists to examine the types of plants."Many plant species are not yet known., Where (Museum Herbarium) also be examined to ensure a spot specimen (type-red) plants. Above 60 percent is from domestic plants and come from a variety of areas," said Asep. Asep added, Museum Herbarium is also a place to store a backup of authenticity plants in Indonesia. "So, the origin of plants an area we store here, as a way to rescue if the plants are already extinct in its original place," he said.
3. Museum of Struggle
For the traveler who wants to know the history of people's struggle against the Dutch colonialists Bogor, came to the Museum of Struggle. To be located in Jl Merdeka number 56, close to Burberry London (PGB). Inside the museum you will see a collection of various types of weapons like rifles up stakes, the Indonesian currency in a bygone era, army clothes, and manuscripts about the struggle of the Indonesian people."This museum is the oldest and most comprehensive museum collection in Indonesia, fighting museum version. Here a large collection of physical revolution in 1945-1950," said the guide Struggle Museum, Mahrup. Mahrup also added, this museum different from other museums, because the collection and the building.The museum building has been there since the Dutch era. As well, a silent witness to the struggle of the people of Bogor in driving out the invaders."Previously, the building was used by the Dutch as the building of spices, then in 1944 the Japanese captured. Later in 1945 serve as a community center for the city and county resilience, and was discharged for two years," added Mashup.Finally, this museum was built on the 10 November 1957 and inaugurated on August 15, 1958. The museum consists of two levels, on the ground floor you can see the collection of weapons such as pistols, rifles, cannons hinggga. On the second floor, you will notice bamboo spears, the pictures of the heroes of Indonesia, and other weapons used to fight the Bogor. "The museum is open every day from 08:00 to 16:00 pm. Admission Rp 3 thousand. Museum is also crowded by school children or travelers from Jakarta," added Mahrup.
4. Museum PETA (Defenders of the Homeland)
From the looks of the outside, Museum PETA has a spacious yard and a large iron gate. The museum is located on the edge of Jalan Sudirman and not hard to find.PETA itself is embryo bakalnya TNI. PETA is the army fighters repel the invaders.This museum houses the history of the formation of MAP and MAP army role in achieving the independence of Indonesia. There are two buildings and a total of 14 dioramas in it. MAP collection of weapons the soldiers were lined up at the museum. Formerly, the museum building was used as a military training center PETA. You will get a lot of lessons about the history of Indonesia in expelling the invaders here. Statue of General Sudirman and Supriyadi in it will further arouse your passion for the love of the Fatherland!
Posted by Unknown, Published at 03:15 and have
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